Centre of Excellence – Consent Form Player Information Player's First Name* Player's Last Name* Player's Date of Birth* Player's School* Medical/Allergies (if applicable) Player's Past Football Experience Parent/Guardian Information Parent/Guardian Name Option 1* Parent/Guardian Name Option 2 Parent/Guardian Email Option 1* Parent/Guardian Email Option 2 Parent/Guardian Phone Option 1* Parent/Guardian Phone Option 2 Additional Information How did you find out about us? Holiday ClinicSocial MediaWebsiteReferralOlive Tree 33 Monthly Training Fees | Age 11+ R850 p/month – 1 session p/week R1,300 p/month – 2 sessions p/week R1,500 p/month – 3 sessions p/week Annual Membership Options* Bronze - R700 Once-Off Payment Kit (shirt, shorts, socks) Silver - R900 Once-Off Payment (Valued at R950) Kit + Football (Size-4) Gold - R1200 Once-Off Payment (Valued at R1300) Kit + IQ. Ball (ball on a string) Consent & Agreements I Agree 1. Full IQ Football kit (top, shorts and socks) must be worn to training, and (wherever possible) at holiday clinics. 2. Training will start and finish on time so please ensure the player arrives promptly and arrange for their pick up immediately after the completion of the session. I Agree 1. All training is charged monthly regardless of attendance, with 11 monthly invoices throughout the year (Dec & Jan combined). 2. Fees are charged monthly in advance, and are due by the 7th of the month. 3. Termination of membership shall be subject to one month’s written notice and payment thereof. I Agree 1. Annual membership is compulsory, and is an annual once-off fee charged separately from your training fees. 2. Termination of membership shall be subject to one month’s written notice and payment thereof. I Agree I, the parent or legal guardian of this participant, hereby give permission for my son/daughter to participate fully in the football coaching sessions or any holiday clinics run by IQ Football. I hereby agree to hold harmless and indemnify IQ Football and its coaches from any liability, personal injury, sickness or death, as well as property damage and expenses. I understand that electronically ticking the box above is equivalent to a written signature. Optional Extras IQ. Ball – R600: The IQ. Ball has been shown to improve attention, technique, and coordination. IQ. Branded Size 4 Football – R250: Enhances ball mastery and confidence. Δ