Author: Sean Szabo
Recognised as a leading brain-centred football coach in Gauteng, Sean Szabo is an English FA qualified coach who has worked internationally assisting player’s motor and technical football skills, as well as their cognitive development on and off the field. IQ Football was founded in 2015 by Sean as an amalgamation of his passion for football coaching, mentoring, and brain-centred research.
Football has evolved into a science-driven sport where elite players rely on more than just physical strength and speed. As neuroscience in football...
Mastering the Art of One-Touch Football: Training Tips and Techniques
Football is often described as the beautiful game, and at the heart of its beauty lies simplicity and elegance. One-touch football epitomises these...
Why is scanning considered the most important trait of a professional football player? Part 2
As established in Part 1, scanning is about looking ahead, anticipating where the ball will be, and knowing what to do with it once in possession....
Why is scanning considered the most important trait of a professional football player? Part 1
Scanning is when a player looks around with head and eye movements to receive information about their environment before or after touching the ball....
Soccer quotes to think about this holiday season
If you know IQ Football, you know we are passionate about fact-based brain-centred training.
7 lessons kids learn at soccer holiday clinics
Learning doesn’t stop when school does! Soccer holiday clinics are where fundamental lessons for your child can be practiced on and off the field!...
IQFC – A kids soccer club with a lasting impact
A great kids soccer club will have a lasting impact that has the potential to change the trajectory of a child’s life.
How Afterschool Football Training Can Improve Your Child’s Academic Performance
Afterschool football training can improve your child's academic performance. It just depends on the culture of the football club they are attending.
5 benefits of kids after school activities
Having gone through a pandemic, we quickly realised how important it is for our children to experience time away from home socialising and having fun...
Have you heard about IQF Foundation?
If you were watching the news on Sunday the 11th of June, you would have seen a snippet of what's been happening with our players. Watch the report...
What is football intelligence and can players develop it? Part 3
Over the past two months, we’ve focussed on football intelligence and come to the conclusion that it most certainly can and must be developed. The...
What is football intelligence and can players develop it? A focus on executive functions – Part 2
Football intelligence and executive functions are hot topics, and they should be hotter. Their importance cannot be underestimated. Whoever said footballers...