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Tag: Motor Skills

Rhythmic kick ups

Day 9 | 30-Day Challenge | This is an advanced kick up drill, if you can’t do this, don’t worry about it. Continue to work on more basic kick up dr...

Switch it up with tennis ball kick ups

Day 8 | 30-Day Challenge | By using a small ball - like a tennis ball - you'll find that your kick ups with a normal size four football, will improve...

Supercharge your touches in 30 seconds

Day 6 | 30-Day Challenge | How many touches can you get in a 30 seconds time slot? Make sure you work in a small area. Speed it up and refine each ...

Master your ball control and touch

Day 5 | 30-Day Challenge | Up your skill level with this drill. Don't give up after a couple. Push through! This figure of 8 drill works all parts of...

Increase your touches with toe taps

Day 4 | 30-Day Challenge | There's always the opportunity to increase the number of your touches! This is fundamental to football training. Make sure...

High Ball Control

Day 2 | 30-Day Challenge | Learn how to judge the distance, 'catch' and control the ball that comes down to you from a height.

How to Master Your Balance

30-Day Challenge | Day 1 | It's so important to master your balance, control and technique. This step-by-step football tutorial will show you how.